Suryapet City Census 2011 data

Suryapet city is governed by Municipal Corporation which comes under Suryapet Metropolitan Region. The Suryapet city is located in Telangana state of India. 

Suryapet Population 2011

As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Suryapet in 2011 is 105,250; of which male and female are 52,138 and 53,112 respectively. Although Suryapet city has population of 105,250; its urban / metropolitan population is 106,524 of which 52,800 are males and 53,724 are females. 

Suryapet Literacy Rate 2011

In education section, total literates in Suryapet city are 81,366 of which 43,143 are males while 38,223 are females. Average literacy rate of Suryapet city is 84.88 percent of which male and female literacy was 91.18 and 78.74 percent. 

Suryapet Sex Ratio 2011

The sex ratio of Suryapet city is 1019 per 1000 males. Child sex ratio of girls is 947 per 1000 boys. 

Suryapet Child Population 2011

Total children (0-6) in Suryapet city are 9,388 as per figure from Census India report on 2011. There were 4,822 boys while 4,566 are girls. The child forms 8.92 % of total population of Suryapet City.

Suryapet CityTotalMaleFemale
Children (0-6)9,3884,8224,566
Average Literacy (%)84.8891.1878.74
Child Sexratio947
Suryapet city comes under Suryapet Metropolitan area.

Suryapet MetropolitanTotalMaleFemale
Children (0-6)9,5114,8954,616
Average Literacy (%)84.8091.1378.63
Child Sexratio943

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Suryapet City Census 2011 data Suryapet City Census 2011 data Reviewed by Unknown on 1:38 AM Rating: 5

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